Software Security (Fall 24)

Course Information

Lectures: ???
Instructor: a, b, and rainoftime?
Teaching assistant: ?


Attack, detection, and protection (TBD)

Section Topic Selected?
Buffer Overflow (?)
Retlibc/ROP (?)
Format String(?)
Foundations of Software Analysis Proof system, soundness&completeness, program's semantics Model theory, real closed field
From Dataflow Analsyis to Abstract Interpretation Reaching definition, chaotic iteration, numerical domains Alias, symbolic abstraction, IFDS, CFL-reachability
Software Model Checking SMT, inductive loop invariant, predicate abstraction&refinement BMC&k-induction, PDR, trace abstraction
Software Testing Greybox fuzzing, symbolic execution, metamorphic testing Property-based testing, dynamic taint analysis
Protection? CFI/SFI, hardware-assisted protection AEG

Assignments, Labs, Exams


Some Tutorials